Secondly, I've been attending the RCIA class - The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, a process through which interested adults are gradually introduced to the Roman Catholic faith and way of life. With Brother Paul. Honestly, I have just attended the first class but I found it very informative. I know God and Jesus more. I felt that I am connected to Him by understanding Him. However, due to unforeseen circumstances, I have to postpone the classes for another week. Max two. Trust me, I can't wait to know more of Him!
Thirdly, shoot! My sis is always a step quicker than me in gossiping our latest life especially when this involves AJ. Birthday + not enOugh Sleep!. She just posted quite a number of photos so I have decided not repeating the same thing all over again. They're still a bit related though but I'm sure you all can't wait. Let's get it on, babey...yeah!
AJ's cake - 2 years old active loveable toddler
As a consolation gifts to compensate my lack of efforts in updating my blog recently, I'm presenting some of AJ's latest cheekiest activities.

Updated: Special thanks to all who have brought this party to success. In no particular order, Alice & Mr Wong, Hubby, Connie, Boon Ping & Lik Jian.
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