21 Dec 2008

Photos of the week 21-12-2008

Scene 1: Hide and seek (part 1)

#1/ Standing up straight
#2/ oh..mama...
#3/ Peek-a-boo
#4/ Peek-a-boo again


Scene 2: How to annoy me mom

#5/ Our first XMAS tree..nice leh~~~
#6/ check me present
#6/ drag the tag if it's not AJ
#7/ touch the ball (behind the camera: mama says no)
#8/ give the sweetest smile after that...problem solved


Scene 3: Hide and seek (part 2)

#9/ Found the right place to hide
#10/ Yes...Success! next...
#11/ Can you see me?
#12/ Owww..mama found me. Find the next hiding place..yisk yisk
#13/ tired ah~~~this is a very exhausting task
#14/ yesh...
#15/ hmm...can I hide behind this toys?


Scene 4: Study time at nursery

#16/ study...study...study...
#17/ ooo...catch snake for a while
#18/ another minute..keke..no one will notice


Scene 5: Nursery - XMAS party day

#19/ why do I have to get up so early? doh~~~
#20/ love the party..very nice~~~
#21/ I'm so lucky neh~~~
#22/ oooopps...change nappy time~~
#23/ meal time..yum yum!
#24/ at home finally~~~
#25/ can I open me present yet, dady?
#26/ *groan* why do we have to wait till 24th?
#27/ Even though I'm santa's little helper, I still need to eat wat!
#28/ Enjoying me dinner so much...yum yum



Alice said...

Wwahahahahaha AJ has got the christmas spirit compared to the other babies neh.. so cute!! last photo paling tak boleh tahan! just look at the way he savoured his milk~~ makes me wanna pinch pinch him hahahaha and WELCOME BACK TO THE BLOGGING WORLDDDDDD.. ALL HAIL QUEEN MARGARET~~~

Marge said...

haha..teng kiuk teng kiuk. will try me best to update as soon as i can..but apologies first as we'll be away for 5 days after xmas...hehe