Yo yo yo ~~~~~
We have moved! =)
It was a very short notice and such a coincidence really. Let me explain why.
As most of you may have already known, we had unwanted visitors at exactly 2 weeks ago and our precious TV gone. Heartbreaking and still it is. Missing my TeeVee.
John, the tenant of flat upstairs was moving out at the very same weekend and he asked me to return the flat keys to Julia. As usual, the very ‘pat’ (busybody) of me grabbed the chance to look around the flat when John officially moved out.
We’ve actually seen the flat few months back before we moved to the ground floor flat. John took the flat in the end because we knew the ground floor flat is going to be empty in 2 months time. So we wait and took the ground floor flat.
Enough of the history. We went up and decided that we might as well move upstairs. Reason being, it’s safer after what had happened. Bigger kitchen / breakfast room and bathroom. We had a second toilet as well. The 2nd bedroom is in front compared to flat downstairs, so we can make full use of the 2nd bedroom. The 2nd room downstairs was made redundant. The only downside of the upstairs flat is it’s first floor flat, not easy access for pushchair & smaller lounge. But what the heck, which one would you prefer when it comes to security & with baby around?
We called Julia and she’s happy for us to move upstairs but only giving us less than one week time. It’s been busy and tiring week. Move upstairs! Move! Move! Move! Can you believe it? We’ve been moving twice this year! Breaking record! I can’t believe it either.
So, carpet cleaning...vacumming...You see…there’s no furniture upstairs. So we have to move 90% of the furniture from the flat downstairs to upstairs. Credits to our precious friends who offered to help. So Cling Clang Bing Bang…. Ei…no boom la.
We had to care AJ at the same time. AJ was very poorly over the weekend…=( again...He wasn’t eating at all throughout Saturday. We were really worried, off to hospital for the 2nd time since last month. Doc confirmed he may have picked secondary bacteria which causing his cough worse. His lung was infected a bit so finally…FINALLY!!!! He was prescribed with antibiotic.
That night…was indeed eventful…haha, Jimmy had to rush to two pharmacy stored to get the prescription. It was about 7:30 pm when we reach 1st Tesco pharmacy at Crownhill and were told that they’re out of stock. We were advised to go to Roborough’s (about 20 mins drive). Jimmy sped (safely…woot~~ the next Lewis Hamilton!) all the way through since it closes at 8pm, well…not over the road speed limit la…we’re lucky that not much traffic and reach there about 2 mins before 8 to Tesco Roborough pharmacy. Chop! Chop! Off Jimmy went, ran hastily into the store. And Hoorah!
Bravo, daddy~~~ Bravo! For getting the medicine in time…Phew…and AJ has now got better since then. His appetite has got a lot better. Yesterday night, he took 6.5 oz milk and ½ hour later, he appears to be not full. We prepared cereals (at the usual amount he would normally take at dinner time) and surprisingly O_o he finished it. Good boy! Both of us were astonished and relieved to be honest. Thank God. Mommy would love to see you having so good appetite everyday. Mommy is looking forward to see you gaining weight you have lost since you got sick. More and more. More and more~~~~
Right. Back to the moving part, yes…we are now in a new place. TV-less and Internet-less ~~~ what!!! No Internet~~~ waaaaa~~~~ *running in circles wailing helplessly* All we did was watching Chinese dramas and listening to radio 10-15 minutes before going to bed.
I think we won’t be having Internet connection for a while. It was simply because there is no Virgin Media port on the flat and the company requires landlord’s permission before they can do any drillings. Gosh~~~ this is gonna be taking ages. T___T Life without Internet. But I bet if Alice is here, she will be wailing helplessly for Internet~~~ Internet~~~ for days… until AJ is frightened haha….Jimmy is nearly reaching to that point. He went “Internet~~~ Internet ~~~~” yesterday but not yet wailing helplessly la.
As you know my flat is Internet-less & TV-less, so don’t expect me to update the blog very often. Wait till Internet is back on so I can update you all with more exciting news. =P
What a week!
We have now settled back and looking forward to have a nice & quiet weekend – clean the flat.
Thank you God for blessing us especially AJ. He is recovering and let him get stronger each day.
20 days till Christmas! Whoosh~~~ 1st time celebrating Christmas with AJ.
Yippee! 49 days to go before I’m leaving UK for 3 weeks.
Our kitchen sink pipe bursts this morning. Is this a good sign or bad sign? =(
7 years ago
Ko lian ko lian wa punya AJ =( Hope that stupid bacteria bugging AJ die now!
Guess what? I met up with ur mummy n daddy n connie and patrick~~ hahaha and ur daddy nearly succeeded in tempting me to follow them to Genting~~~ *wave them goodbye with teary eyes* T____T
"*running in circles wailing helplessly*" <--- this is soo damn funny!! I can't help myself to picture a dog chasing its tail in my mind! haha =P
and and and life without internet SUCKEST to the MAXEST~~ and no no no I wont be bored if I have AJ to keep me busy with. *angel's ring on my head*
whoa...you should go to Genting wat~~~
still Internet-less la.... T___T
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