It's a lovely day yesterday and the day before and today! Hot I must say. You might be wondering why I'm saying that with the ridiculously hot weather here. I used to hate the heat of it back in Malaysia not until I arrived here. First I enjoyed the cool and cold weather but now I hate it already. Especially when it comes to winter. It's so cold that you wouldn't want to leave the house unless it's work-related or food. Your skin went dry like grandma's skin. Now you see why I love the sun here. haha.... short, this post is gonna be long with lotsa of lovely photos, which I'm sure you guys will enjoy them as well...haha...weee....
Right, on Friday, we only went out for a settling in session at the new nursery which AJ is going to change next month. So, while waiting for hubby off work to enjoy the rest of the weekend, we enjoyed the heat at home.
Hot and AJ is wearing short sleeve and short...& I just realised that he has a matching sets.
trying my new beach shorts...if I have enough courage to wear it oustside
The next day, Saturday, we head to playground...just behind where we live
nuu.... from far away
wee....he made it. Bravo, son!
arriving at the playground, AJ enjoyed himself so much
with the pushchair also
climbing up high with his daddy
at the top
nearly there...
wee....down he went...unfortunately, no photos taken after this because I was at the bottom receiving AJ
Today yet is another lovely day so we decided to go out for a walk at the town centre
AJ can't wait...Fortunately, we brought enough shorts from our last Malaysia trip. And he looks so good in this shirt too. First worn since Alice brought it here last year. Thanks, Alice!
holding tight to his seat belt
at KFC for our late lunch...
posing with the's going to be a famous supermodel, right? with the 6 packs or more...sui~~~~
trained to be bird-watcher as well...
it's so hot, I tell you. check out AJ's hands...hurm..I wonder why
OK, next at home. Hubby suddenly came into the bedroom after his shower while I'm playing with AJ. "Let's kiss" - teaching AJ to kiss. So, we kissed right in front of AJ's eyes...not the french kiss, ok? AJ was kinda shocked at first and wanted to learn it too...
So, we asked AJ to kiss daddy....Kiss daddy...
then he went this... haha
We showed him again and again and again
He went this..haha...with a muacks sound.
We tried again. Kiss mummy...Yeah!
and again....good boy!
daddy on the cheek because daddy got flu
I kissed hubby for his brilliant idea then kissed AJ to learn it so quickWhat a brilliant idea! Thanks hubby and well done, son! HOTTTTTTTT and KISSESSSSSSSSS.... but we enjoyed every bit of it! woot!!!
awww the sweetest entry ever! Family Kissys.. so much love
AJ looks so green in the first pic, the colour of healthy leaves and trees~ nice! in the second pic, YAY!!! We both own a beach pant!! let's wear them together next time!! almost the same leh~~ and wear it out la.. it looks fine on you~ you have long legs somemore.
I've noticed the trees in one of the central park's pictures. 2 of them are actually senget! hahaha
AJ reminds me so much of Brandon. Val and I used to bring Brandon to the park playing on the same playground~ and we're exhausted. one toddler vs 2 adults... we kalah teruk! hahaha
AJ is such a poser~~ hahaha and the shirt looks really good on AJ~~~ He looks soooo fairrrrrr *jealous*
Wahaha Ah go is so brave to go shirtless on the street. ahaha why not chilling out with a beer in hand next time when he goes shirtless again.
i talked too much -.-''
yeah..the tree must have grown like this after endless of strong wind.
haha..Brandon is indeed an active boy. AJ too as well..I am totally exhausted when we played energy left.
Ah go only take of his shirt after lots of endless request for like 5 time I'll get him a beer...while pushing AJ...haha...
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