Ladies & Gentlemen, meet the Lee’s family - sharing the same surname as mine..wahaha…the Lee’s family tree is expanding. We are unrelated la…but probably our ancestors were. You never know. Not to forget, the Ling’s family also growing... ;P
Boys & Girls...let me introduce Chloe's parents...wahah..ok... *mouth zipped*
Updates: AJ's well-being...
AJ was really upset when Jimmy sent him off to the nursery yesterday. He missed it on Monday due to his diarrhea so I thought he can go there yesterday since he has got better. Around noon, I received a call from the nursery at work saying he refused to eat and is not himself. So, AJ spent the rest of the afternoon at home. with me of course... His appetite was as normal leh when I fed him.
Probably he is ill and not in the mood...or could be because he had his first taste on the nursery's dinner & doesn't like it. Yesterday was lasagne & vege. Having sick at the same time...haih....he continued crying. When we reach home, he looked around the room several times. He must be like, Home sweet home. He seems very sleepy, so spend most of his time on sleeping...His diarrhea stopped now *finger crossed* but his coughing, blocked nose...haih...don't want to say anymore...
Get well soon, son. Mommy missed your usual self.
Not much mood to blog today...
aduhh...hope aj get well soon ya...
heartache heartache
my prayers will always be with u guys
Get well soon AJ. My day will not be sunny if anyone of you is not well T.T
Hey Margaret, I've just been reading your blog. So sorry to hear about AJ's cold. Have you tried the vapour and saline drops? They seem to help alot when Xavi was poorly before. It helped him to breathe and feed better. If the mucus gets too bad you may have to suck it out coz babies only breathe through their noses. Hope this helps. Hope he gets well soon.
Thanks for your wishes...
Joline: Doc advised me not to use anything with his blocked nose. =.= As he now feeds on meals, he's still ok. His appetite's getting a lot better today. Only keep waking up at nights. He was so used to have dummy with him at night and now he can't! I have to put a pillow on his head to free his airway instead of blocking his breathing. But I'm planning to get saline drops tommorrow if he doesn't get better.
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