It was boring and annoying at first but as you are familiar with how it works, you'll be addicted. Trust me. This is my last-to-do task every night before I sleep. My pet is called Delilah. I once suggested to hubby to name our baby Delilah if it's a baby girl. But then Delilah Ling...Delilah Ling...sound so weird. haha.... Luckily it's a boy and we found the most suitable name for him.
Ok..back to Pet Society, feeding my Delilah, bathing, racing, visiting friends and so forth will be my daily routing to collect enough money.'s not a real money but the money is decorating a comfy and warm house for Delilah (I wish it's real money - easy money, eh). Delilah's house...yeah, baby...
That's me house. It's a bit empty but I'm in the process gathering money. PK dy~~~~
My achievements - working so hard to get those throphy
Orite, it's kinda late when I'm doing this post.
Oh yeah, before I'm off, AJ is sick again. He's recovering well but his apettite still down. As a result of that, he has lost a bit weight. So, please can you pray for him to get well soon.
Oh no~ Why AJ is sick again =(
Hope he recovers soon and never get sick again.
Erm... ngai lo.. addicted to pet society until Delilah is wearing a paper brown bag hahaha Steambot has that unfinished apple hat too! very funny! I once got an ugly tyre as clothe~ hahahaa
I found another new game!! hehehe
yalo...hope so lo...=.=
what's the new game?? is it the one I intro last time?
no no it's called the restaurant city
also by playfish. Facebook game hahaha
restaurant interesting. will give it a go...
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