I know I shouldn't write this, even just 2 days after my previous post. I am happy with the photos, admiring myself non-stop and still is. Hubby has been even praising my beauty since. "It would be really lovely, if you could make-up like this everyday?", "Man, they're so professional, an ugly duckling can turn into princess". No...no...no..he's not mean. I'm so proud for him to say that - in praising me "indirectly".
wahaha...let's cut the chase. The reason why I've been grumbling from the beginning is I've been gaining weight since the holiday. Comparing meself in those lovely wedding photos. Suddenly, I feel so fat.
Fat, urrrghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! I realised when I'm trying sooooooooooo hard in getting into my size 8 jeans this morning . Hubby himself as well.
I've lost nearly my waistline. T__________T
This is so upsetting that I could see the tyre on my tummy area.
Ok, I lied, I've been off the diet since I can't remember when. Now that in order to gain back my curvyness (not forgetting fatty words from hubby & Connie), I've to go back to diet.
I need to look hot in front of everybody! Diet! Diet! Diet!
Hot wife!
Hot mom!
Hot! Hot! Hot!
C'mon, I need some support & encouraging words!
hurmmmmm...am gonna print one of the prettiest photo out, detailing especially my curvy waist and put it on my ceiling, setting my target of the day, every morning.
7 years ago
Hahaha ai meh?
eat nia la.. but then~ you know u have my support anytime!
yes yes...ah go has been praising of my stunning figure at the photos and commenting my belly tyre yesterday. Diet, diet. I know you'll support me..hehehe
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